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Soutien du chagrin
Semaj Crutcher
Né àUnited States
3 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Avril 20, 2004
Born in United States Athens, Alabama on April 20, 2004.
Juillet 28, 2007
Semaj Crutcher was a beautiful, 3 year old little boy who had  a lot of life in him. He was a joy to be around. He loved his sister Mikayla very much. He taught her so much in such little time. He was a great helper if you asked him, especially when it came to his siblings. Semaj was getting ready to go to head start but on that terrible day in July everything drastically changed. He will be missed by all of his family very much.
Juillet 28, 2007
Passed away on July 28, 2007.